Never Miss A Connection Again

Your Personal Travel CRM

Boost your connections by spotting when you and your contacts are in the same city at the same time, making it easier to catch up in person.


Connect with people in your network or like-minded individuals in a secure environment. Expand your opportunity to meet new people.

Grow Your Network

Find & connect with your closest contacts, plan meetups, schedule meetings, and more with in-app location features.


Navigate your network seamlessly. Import your contacts with a single click. Explore profiles making it easier than ever to find meaningful connections.

Meet Thr.

Thr. emerges as an innovative app bridging digital connections with real-world interactions, prioritizing meaningful relationships in an era dominated by virtual communication. With a successful beta release, Thr. now launches its market-ready mobile app for iOS and Android, empowering users to disrupt algorithms and connect with people that matter when it counts.

Our Mission

Thr. aims to transcend digital communication barriers, fostering authentic human connections for professionals, digital nomads, and socialites alike. It embodies a movement towards enriching lives through genuine interactions.

The Problem

Finding Clarity in Chaos

In today’s digital era, managing professional networks has become complex, overshadowing real-life interactions with oversaturated online networking.

The Solution

Streamline Your Online Presence

Thr. simplifies the process, offering an all-in-one solution for expanding and nurturing meaningful connections. It prioritizes real-life interactions with intuitive features, making networking effortless.

Connect With Your Network

Thr. seamlessly integrates with travel plans, syncing overlapping dates in the same city without exact location sharing, prioritizing user privacy. With partnership and AI integration with Google, Thr. automates trip additions and facilitates connections effortlessly.

Grow Your Network

Thr. puts privacy in your hands. Choose from various visibility options to control who sees your information and ensure you connect with the right people in a secure environment.


With status updates, secure network control, smart locations & mapping, and secure messaging, Thr. ensures users never miss an opportunity to connect. It prioritizes in-person relationships in a secure and intuitive platform.

Current Traction and Community Response

Thr. caters to purpose-driven individuals, fostering a community focused on authentic human connections, happiness, and business results. It represents a new era of technology prioritizing human connection.

What's Next

As Thr. celebrates its official launch, it embarks on a seed investment round to enhance the platform further and introduce innovative features. Plans include team expansion, technology enhancement, and introducing features to revolutionize staying in touch.

Sign up and get the latest updates and upcoming releases.

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All Your Apps in One


Group Chats

IRL Meetups

Social Media
(Minus Junk)



Maps & Location

LinkedIn (Minus Spam)

About the Team

Eric Creekmore, CEO
Marco Yammine, CTO/CPO
Jonathan Maxim, CMO

Thr. owes its success to its core team members: Founder Eric Creekmore, CTO Marco Yammine, and CMO Jonathan Maxim. With expertise in digital and real-life networking, they spearhead a new era of in-person connections.

Are You Thr.?

If Thr. resonates with you, join a community of ambitious and purpose-driven professionals. Download Thr. and be part of a movement enriching lives through genuine interactions.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions
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Join the Thr. Community and Amplify Your Network!